Monique DeCecco

Interfaith Minister

Women’s Group Facilitator

Reiki Healer

Certified Recovery Peer Advocate

Certified in Integrative Somatic Trauma Healing

Professional Artist, Murals by Monique

30+ years a painter

I have been a decorative painter for over thirty plus years beautifying homes in many creative ways from full scale murals, various faux finishes & trompe l’ oeil art transforming homes, making them more unique and personal to my client. However, what I loved the most in my career was the intimate sharing with other women while painting.

Visit Murals By Monique

A path of service

I love being an artist, but on a personal level it never fulfilled me. As the years went by, a career change began to take shape with a desire toward a path of service.

In the meantime, my own healing journey led me not only to individual therapy, group therapy, but also many spiritual and metaphysical workshops. These experiences taught me the beautiful balance of mind, body and spirit.

In my early fifties, I was inspired by a close friend to become an Interfaith minister, falling in love with the idea of learning many different religions, belief systems, spiritual counseling, ancient rituals and performing ceremonies. After attending a two year program in Seminary School, I still wasn’t sure how to apply all the beautiful teachings I learned toward a possible career change. My inspiration came, ironically enough out of my experiences with my women clients and a collective desire for us to gather together in a more sacred and meaningful way. This became the inspiration for Centered Circles. Its name conceived because not only are we creating a literal circle together, but also a sacred space to center within.

My very first women’s group was with a small gathering of friends. I learned a great deal by this experience and after some time felt more comfortable creating larger gatherings, now incorporating all that I learned through out the years including somatic practices, meditation, a sacred altar, reiki and sound healing.

I am continually desirous to create different types of circles with varying themes and topics. One of them came out of my passion for reading spiritual or metaphysical type books and for most of us who do, want desperately to share, question or reflect on the book’s teachings with others . This led me to create a very special type of ‘book club’ where we get to not only do that, but more importantly, incorporate the book’s teachings into our everyday.

*Please visit our Circle Offerings page for our latest book club circles.

For the past few years, I became increasingly interested how the body reacts to and stores trauma. This led me to become certified in Integrative Somatic Trauma Healing, learning how to guide others to release this pain in the body which for most, have been carrying for a very long time. I will often weave somatic practices into the circle gathering if the women are ready to bring their body into the healing process.

What I have learned ultimately from facilitating women’s circles is that we heal relationally. Our shared experiences, stories and personal life journey is relatable to many and knowing we are not alone is the first step in the healing process. This connection forms our tribe, our community, our place to return to when we need comfort, care and compassion.

The circle becomes our sacred space.