Learn from each other.

Women’s Circle

A Women’s circle honors an ancestral tradition created thousands of years ago. It is a sacred space for women to gather, share their story, connect deeper within & with others. My intention is to create an inviting & supportive space where women feel safe enough to re-discover their authentic selves long forgotten.

It is beyond everyday social interaction.

It is meaningful connection.

Your involvement

As a group facilitator, I believe each woman has choices around her involvement, her desire to share or not? Sometimes it is through this process in a group dynamic that we begin to understand the concept of self agency, self care, boundaries, what we are comfortable with & what activates us; it is a very different experience than individual therapy because we heal relationally.

How we center

The atmosphere I create is one of warmth & safety. All the women sit around a sacred altar comprised of lit candles & elements of nature, such as flowers, shells, feathers etc. The center continually changes with the seasons representing the earth element, grounding us as well as honoring the sacredness of what’s placed on the altar that is personal or meaningful.

I always begin with a meditation having the women center by returning to their breath, an internal check in to see what thoughts are arising, bodily sensations or any emotions surfacing. I encourage compassionate curiosity. It is a wonderful way for us to segway into our discussion because it creates an energetic shift to come from a different place than before we arrived.

Heart Charkra Crystal singing bowl, the smell of incense, essential oils & reiki while we meditate arouse our tactile senses making this an unforgettable somatic experience as we commune like our ancestors did many moons ago


IGroups can be centered around a particular topic or theme, but sometimes it may progress very organically where we let the energy of the circle propel us forward. What makes a group dynamic so special are when one woman shares her experience & it profoundly affects another.

This is grace.

We never fully realize how impactful our thoughts, feelings and experiences are to others until we speak our truth.

My wish

My greatest wish as a facilitator is to remain as mindfully present as I can to each woman as we spend our time together.

My intention is for everyone to have an authentic experience, to move closer to their personal truth and to leave the time spent together feeling heard, seen, honored, validated and more connected to themselves and others.

I look forward to meeting you and having you a part of this sacred circle.

